well, we are lazy asses, but noise appeal released two new records, which are one. to be honest … the striggles “expressionsim” debut record got released as fine lp with handfolded cover artwort (noise13) and 160 gramm vinyl (black only) and as a cd version packed in a pretty nice digifile packaging. we are happy with the results. the band too. so hopefully you will enjoy this record as we do … it’s fucking amazing!

what else is going on at noise appeal fresnel called it a day. dimitrij too. and last but not least worlds|between|us said good bye. we are very sad about this, but life goes on and we are sure, that all the people who were involved in the mentioned bands will find a new musicial home. sooner or later. we just want to thank them all joiying our record label, got friends and still released amazing music. nearly all of their releases are available through noise appeal … so just drop us a line: mouh@noiseappeal.com if you are interessted in one of them … 

now it’s time to send out all the promos of the striggles record and relax through the summer. we are sure, that there maybe will be another release later on this year. if not: 2009 is coming. so join back later on this site, to catch all the hot news … ;-)

bye and thank you for reading this … oh yes by the way: check out noise appeal on itunes and more to catch the releases in a digital way …

yours, miss.appeal, mister.noise, the funny dog and the lightning cow