“Can You Feel?” – the new single from the upcoming album DEEP DIVE is out now! What a banger.

Listen: https://lnk.to/DirtyTalons-CanYouFeel
Watch: https://youtu.be/aWUJgKMgxrA
Release Show Tickets: https://tickets.arena.wien/at/Events/69108
Pre-Order Your Copy: https://store.noiseappeal.com/shop/music/dirty-talons-deep-dive

»One minute, I have a buzzing feeling of ecstasy, the next, utter disappointment and disillusion. ‘Can you feel?’ is about becoming aware of and trying to avoid this rapid shift of extreme emotions that I’ve often felt in relationships, both platonic and romantic. I’ve often put people on a pedestal only for them to come crashing off of it when something didn’t fit with this idea I had of them, which then made me question the relationship.« – Jess Howells, singer of Dirty Talons