Have you heard (of) The Striggles yet? No? Then it is time to free yourself of the ear-wax of mainstream guitar music. This band doesn‘t fulfill any of your rock or indie expectations or whatever genre it may be. The music of The Striggles is more of a creative stream than a final product. There are a few constants though. The years of experience of the musicians for example. Or the musical influences that range from bands like Can, Sonic Youth and Captain Beefheart, to Snakefinger, Shellac and John Lee Hooker. Now who are these guys? There is Gottfried Krienzer on guitar who also plays in the noise-rock-electro band Code Inconnu whose second release “Spoil, Microbe” was frenetically celebrated as one of the best releases of 2006 in Wire magazine. Then there is Robert Lepenik, also on guitar, who many know for his great work as composer and musician in projects and bands like Melville or Fetish 69 and the Grazer art group tonto. Bassist and singer Martin Plass sang in musicals and also played in experimental projects like Pol-Ton, Die Sekte and Nectarius Soft. And last but not least there is Slobodan Kajkut on drums. A member of countless bands he also composes contemporary – and controversal – music (after having studied with Georg Friedrich Haas and Clemens Gadenstaetter). Sounds like an explosive mixture, doesn‘t it? It does. And it is one. The diversity of musical pasts and the sometimes even contradictory approaches create a new and surprising sound. No wonder they were the hottest topic among the audience of the Interpenetration Festival 2006 in Graz (where they premiered). And let me tell you, there were so many great acts at that festival that it was hard to be noticed at all. The first demo recordings promise more hysteria …